Sunday, April 22, 2007

He definitely gets it

Tristan was playing with a spatula that was used to make french toast
this morning (made by his wonderful Nanna).

She tried to take it away, because it was messy, and he got mad, so
she gave it back.

I said, "Tristan, let me clean that and he gave it right to me." :) I
cleaned it and gave it back.

I was so surprised by the response, especially since it was immediate.
I was expecting to have to take it away have him complain and give it
back after I cleaned it. but nope he gave it right to me. :) :)

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Tristan slept from picking the drive home all the way till bedtime. He
woke up about bedtime, held his hands together and said "hungr" (two
syllables). We were like wow. He said he was hungry!
