Sunday, March 26, 2006

Went out with all three today

We had an outing today. And taking 3 young children anywhere is always amusing.
Link Opens in a New Window.
I put this under an lj cut for a journal I don't update anymore cause the closest thing blogger seems to have applies to all posts. This thing is long.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Little boy slept all evening.... which means I got woken up at 530 AM. yay. looks like he's gonna do it again tonight.

I dropped him at daycare this morning, and he started to try to grab a little girl's sippy. I said "no, no tristan, that's not yours" and he stopped his approach and walked away!

I came in the door to pick him up, heard him saying "wiwy" (which I think is Lily) and I said it back, quietly, and he came running around the corner to hug me!

It's all very exciting for me.

oh, and I forgot, this isn't quite so new, and is fairly normal, but yesterday, when I got him from daycare, one of the teachers got his attention (he was outside) and pointed him towards me and he came running toward me, arms outstretched saying "uggy!" which is hug, so I picked him up and said "hug!" and hugged him.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Lucky Smile

Lucky Smile
Originally uploaded by navidoll.

He was cuddling his dad and I thought they were so cute I had to take a pic. Well then he starts coughing right as I turn the camera on and snap the picture. luckily, it recorded it when he was smiling, and not coughing. Pic's a bit blurry. my hands aren't very stable.

I'm happy. it's so hard to get a pic of him smiling, even though he smiles a lot. usually he's to interested in trying to get the camera from me...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tristan likes his chair

He has a little rocker - it was an extra bouncer one of the fisher price rockers. My husband put it up just to get it out of the way, so he climbed up to where it was and sat on it. (Daddy got him down before he fell)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Tristan likes this pic I found on flickr

happy st. patrick's day!!!
Originally uploaded by woolloomooloo.

I'm a member of a Japanese toys group on flickr, and this pic was posted there. I left the puter to go take care of Lily and came back and Tristan was just staring at it. He loves green. the pic was posted by woolloomooloo on flickr.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tristan sick

Neal woke me up cause he thought Tristan was more than just a little sick just before 2 AM. He was coughing and crying inconsolably. checked his temp and he'd spiked a 102 fever. called the dr, who told me to take him in to the er. just an ear infection and a soar throat, thank goodness.

Anyway, the kid kept smiling at me, which isn't normal when he's sick. he's usually absolutely miserable. I guess he liked being at the hospital with 100% of mommy's attention.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

It's Bedtime Mommy

Tristan decided earlier this evening it was time for me to go to bed. When he wants something he'll take your hand and take you to it. He came over to me in the living room crying. grabbed my foot as my arms were busy w/ Lily. so I got up and let him take my hand. he led me to my bed and didn't quiet down until I acted like I was going to sleep.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Sleeping on the couch upright

Sleeping on the couch upright
Originally uploaded by navidoll.

They'll fall asleep anywhere. He was on my bed next to his dad's fan about 5-10 minutes before hand. and the jumping on the bed right after that. and his face is messy. can't keep it clean.

Music coming out of Mommy's ear!

I had my ipod in my pocket and in one ear while waiting for the bus this morning (I about never put it in both ears). While waiting for the bus (sometimes we wait a while as it can come as early as 755-8am but sometimes doesn't get here till 810) we go back and forth from walking around with him holding my hand and sometimes he wants me to pick him up. When I pick him up, he hugs me. he noticed the sound and pressed his face against mine so his right ear was right up against mine and listened. I thought it was cute.

And! Development! it's probably partly the noise that catches his attention but he's actually looking at vehicles I point at passing by!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tristan is my son. He's 3 yrs old, a middle child and the only boy and has been identified as having autism spectrum disorder by the local school system. He frequently does odd things that make me smile. My sister thinks I should make a comic about him. Not to sure that would work out (I'm not that funny) and my drawing skills are rusty (I was pretty good in highschool), and part of me thinks that might be construed as making fun of him, but I decided I'd create a blog to post the funny and cute things he does to share with family members and friends (so they don't get like 3 emails in one day), so here it is, my tribute to my son. I may in the future create blogs for my daughters also, but I think Tristan sometimes feels left out and I want something special for him. I'll start out with the conversation that prompted my sister to suggest a comic. She was talking about her own three year old son growing plants. Here's a paraphrase of my response:

"I'm not real good with plants. Lola is, though. At school, her plants are always one of the biggest or best looking in the class. Then they come home and something happens and they die or Tristan eats them."

Now, that seemed like a normal comment to me. he eats everything. (from what I understand a lot of neurotypical kids eat everything, too). However, it made my sister chuckle.

Cute things from today (and yesterday):
I make him a sandwich every morning. He eats breakfast at his preschool (they switched from snacks to breakfast as they felt it would be a good learning experience) but needs something before the long bus ride and I'm usually in a hurry so he gets a sandwich frequently and now has decided he needs a sandwich when he first gets up or he's grumpy. Cereal's fine, but he has to have a sandwich first.

Today, he's sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for his sandwich. So I get the bread out and put it on the kitchen table and then I turn to get the knife and the jelly from the fridge. I turn back, he's still on the couch. I can't find the piece of bread I laid out. I was positive I'd put it on a saucer, but I don't see it. Turns out, he managed to go in the kitchen, grab the bread and walk back to the exact place he was sitting beforehand in the little bit of time I had my back turned. He's a sneaky little guy, when he wants to be.

As mentioned before, he eats everything; everything goes in his mouth, he like textures, especially smooth ones. He also likes his baby sister's pacifiers. Usually he chews them like this:
In baby sisters bassinet eating her paci

Today, he was sucking on the pacifier like a baby does. I think I just need to get him his own, blue ones. He had a John Lennon, Beautiful Boy one when he was a baby and I think I saw some of those at the store recently (He was sucking on his sister's pink John Lennon one - the one in the pic is a classic pooh one from Target)..... My excuse will be that if he sucks on a paci, he's not putting other things in his mouth ;)

Tristan also will often communicate to us by giving us something similar to what he is asking for or taking us to what he wantsn though if you leave something in his reach, he typically just grabs it, especially if it's sweet. His sister had a bag with a couple king sized candies in it yesterday. She left it sitting on a chair. Now, I've never seen him take her hand to ask her for something, but he must have figured they were hers, and not mine or her father's. He took her hand and walked her over to the bag, instead of just trying to grab the chocolate. She obliged and let him have a piece of candy. Now this may seem simple but that level of communication with his sister, instead of his parents appears a breakthrough to me. We cheered the fact that he asked for the candy, even though it was well within his reach to just grab himself.