Friday, March 24, 2006

Lucky Smile

Lucky Smile
Originally uploaded by navidoll.

He was cuddling his dad and I thought they were so cute I had to take a pic. Well then he starts coughing right as I turn the camera on and snap the picture. luckily, it recorded it when he was smiling, and not coughing. Pic's a bit blurry. my hands aren't very stable.

I'm happy. it's so hard to get a pic of him smiling, even though he smiles a lot. usually he's to interested in trying to get the camera from me...


joker the lurcher said...


found your blog via lou mcgill's one. i have a son with adhd and aspergers/high functioning autism. i ended upinvolved with our local organisation for families with autistic kids and one family has 4 autistic kids - reading your blog reminds me of them - no sooner do you turn your back than you have to cater for another one. i am really lucky that i only have the one! respect for your spirit and dedication!

Navi said...

Thank you,

Actually, the oldest usually isn't as much of a handful as she sounds. She's always been pretty self sufficient, just has her moments.