Saturday, March 25, 2006


Little boy slept all evening.... which means I got woken up at 530 AM. yay. looks like he's gonna do it again tonight.

I dropped him at daycare this morning, and he started to try to grab a little girl's sippy. I said "no, no tristan, that's not yours" and he stopped his approach and walked away!

I came in the door to pick him up, heard him saying "wiwy" (which I think is Lily) and I said it back, quietly, and he came running around the corner to hug me!

It's all very exciting for me.

oh, and I forgot, this isn't quite so new, and is fairly normal, but yesterday, when I got him from daycare, one of the teachers got his attention (he was outside) and pointed him towards me and he came running toward me, arms outstretched saying "uggy!" which is hug, so I picked him up and said "hug!" and hugged him.

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