"sazriel posted a reply:
in response to soulstealer, but not necesarily the topic:
beaver leader is a fun phrase. try it aloud.
i'd never want to be not autistic, 'cause then i wouldn't have things
like beaver leader, even though i might have friends instead."
This is something someone on one of my Flickr Autism groups posted, in
response to a parent who had commented that she is a Beaver Leader in
her son's Beaver Scouts group, so he can have freedom while she can
still keep an eye on him. I just love it. I feel it really has an
interesting perspective to it.
I woke up this morning to find Tristan curled up in bed next to his
sister, Lola. Yesterday, he'd been on the very edge of my bed when I
woke up and when I got out of bed he slowly moved to be curled up next
to Lily (we're staying in the basement of my inlaws' right now, so
we're all in one really big room pretty much - we'll be moving soon,
to our very own house)
Tristan also had his eyes pretty much glued shut with goop this
morning. Initially thought the discharge was allergies or sinus
infection, but that's primarily because he doesn't open his eyes very
wide. nope. he has pink eye. :( and I'm probably gonna get it cause I
was wiping him off without washing my hands immediately yesterday
The other day, after a night of not sleeping and repeatedly smacking
or kicking us in our sleep, I brought him into the family room, so dad
and sister could sleep, and I could take a shower and get ready.... I
put him on the couch; he pointed at the TV and said TV (well the v
wasn't clearly pronounced, but it was obviously TV) so I turned on
some cartoons for him. He was asleep by a few minutes of me getting
out of the shower - he continued his crazy running around and hitting
at school, apparently. They'd never seen this behavior. I'm pretty
sure it's a behavior that is exhibited when he is really really really
really tired. normally he's just grumpy and uncooperative when tired,
and rocks on his belly on the floor a lot.