Tuesday, December 05, 2006

AI Program visit

visited tristan's potential new school.

It's closer to Lola's (I can see trying to arrange parent teacher
conferences on the same day) but harder to get in and out of than his
current school (not the school itself but the neighborhood - train
tracks and other schools in the area pose issues). So it may or may
not be easier to get him there if he misses the bus.

It's not set in stone - some children need to transition out for him
to transition in. but it's pretty sure he'll begin after winter break.

I never think to ask questions...

All the kids there are autistic. and I was amazed at how they all sat
for story time and listening to music time.

The all use picture schedules much like Tristan's object schedule. and
some facilitated communication (holding the childs hand to help the
child focus and direct)

There's a variety of developmental abilities in the small room.

The teacher's son goes to the same daycare as tristan does after
school and she plans on popping in when she picks up her son to
observe him :) so she can meet him. She'll also be visiting his
regular school when she gets a chance.

They'll start letting him do whatever, until he gets used to the
class. He'll then have alternating choice time and specific
instructrion time. They'll also help steer choice time to be

They have a trampoline in the room :D

fingers are crossed that everything goes smoothly and this is good for him.

Also, as we were wrapping up, one of the boys that will be
transitioning out came by and gave the autism specialist a half hug,
and lightly pressed against my side for a second. I explaind that
Tristan also does stuff like that and will spontaneously go up to you
and hug you sometimes. His current teacher then remarked, with a smile
that they will miss him very much. :)

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