Saturday, April 01, 2006


Took Tristan to urgent care Thursday night, so they could tell me he doesn't have chicken pox (school needed me to check because of a mild rash he had - he has sensitive skin)

Had the second Dr tell me he has a daughter w/ autism (first was Lily's er dr). 

Tristan had fallen asleep in the car and was not happy when he got woken up to have his throat checked (he slept through everything else), so he was crying

Dr. asked me where I find the strength. I never know what to say when ppl ask that. I just explained he's normally fairly good natured. but honestly, yes, he's a handful. but he's my son. there isn't strength. it just has to be done. I need to be there for him. Just like I need to be there for Lola and Lily. and frankly I think I'm not doing the greatest job. he deserves better. There's no strength to it at all. I just do it. I wish I could bring myself to do better. I love him.


Lou said...

tristan is so lovable - you have a fantastic family...and they are very lucky to have you. As you say - it's not about strength - it's about love.


Navi said...

Thank you. you put it wonderfully. for once, I'm speechless.